Part I
Chapter 1: The Strategic Planning Context
Map 1.1: The Greater London Administrative Area
Map 1.2: The Strategic Planning Context
Map 1.3: Thames Gateway London Partnership (TGLP)
Part II
Chapter 2: Urban Design and Conservation
Map URB 1: New Deal for Communities New Cross Gate
Chapter 3: Open Space
Table OS1: Types of Publicly Accessible Open Space in London
Table OS 2: Principal Private Sports Grounds in Lewisham
Table OS 3: The Classification of Lewisham’s Parks
Table OS 4: Sites of Nature Conservation Importance in Lewisham
Table OS 5: Designations of Open Spaces in Lewisham
Map 3.1: Areas of Public Open Space Deficiency
Map 3.2: London Squares
Map 3.3: Areas of Nature Conservation Hierarchy
Chapter 4: Environmental Protection
Map 4.1: Areas Liable to Flood from the Main Rivers
Map 4.2 Air Quality Management Areas – Exceedences for Particulates and NO2
Chapter 5: Housing
Map 5.1: Pattern of Affordable Housing
Chapter 6: Sustainable Transport and Parking
Map 6.1: Road Hierarchy
Map 6.2: Red Routes and Bus Priority Routes
Map 6.3: London Cycle Network in Lewisham
Map 6.4: Controlled Parking Zones
Chapter 7: Employment
Chapter 8: Shopping and Town Centres
Table STC 1: Major and District Shopping Centres – Core and Non Core Areas
Map 8.1: Shopping Areas in Lewisham
Chapter 9: Leisure, Community Facilities and Education
Chapter 10: Resources, Monitoring and Implementation
Schedule 1: The Council’s Proposals
Schedule 1A: Important Local Views and Landmarks
Schedule 2: Sites of Nature Conservation Importance
Schedule 3: Areas of Archaeological Priority
Map SCH1 Areas of Archaeological Priority
Schedule 4: Defined Employment Areas
Schedule 5: Conservation Areas
Appendix 1: UDP Glossary of Terms
Appendix 2: Policy Index
Appendix 3: Changes in Policy Numbering
Appendix 4: Employment Land